Saturday, January 30, 2016

Trump's straight talk is refreshing.

The media still does not get Trump. 

In their defense, it is likely because the media believes, perhaps even been taught, that everyone has an agenda different than the agenda they say they have. For example, the media this morning questioned whether Trump's refusal to genuflect to Fox's CEO would "payoff." Some commentators even suggested he was arrogant to stand on principle. Is that not what we want our leaders to do - stand on principle? If not principle, what else should leaders stand on?

At Trump's event for the wounded warriors, he remarked that he did not care whether it paid off in votes or not. His decision to boycott the debate was not a calculated decision to obtain votes, it was a decision of principle. I applaud him. It is another reason for me to support him. He will not cave in or be intimidated by the media or any foreign dignitary. One of the POTUS candidates criticized Trump for not allowing the American people to see Trump in action at the debates. 

Wrong. The American people saw trump in action. He said what he would do and then did it and accepted the consequences of his decision what ever they should be.  Other politicians should take note of this trait.

The American people, those who wished to see, saw Trump in action. Additionally, he was at the debates because each of the other candidates made prepared snide and childish remarks about his absence. It was high school humor. Trump did not bend his knees to Fox news. I believe that other candidates should have  joined Trump at his event. It would have shown that other  republicans have principles as well as Trump. Republican solidarity toward a media bully would have gone a long way to restoring a meaningful republican party.

Fox News is interested in selling advertising not selling republicans. Trump knew it and objected, the only way he could, by not participating in another meaningless debate.

I can hardly wait to see Trump in action against Hillary. I hope Trump insists that the advertising revenues from this debate go to a worthy cause rather than the pockets of the news media moguls.


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