Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Congratulations to Trump. He is the real fox.

Trump called Fox News' bluff. 

He said he will not show up for the republican debate hosted by Fox. Fox issued a press release making fun of Trump. The debates are a money maker for Fox so Trump is shooting at Fox where it hurts. Good for him.  Further, the debates have been reduced to meaningless narrative exchanges between the candidates with questions that for the most part are too general to be relevant with answers that are too rehearsed to be helpful. 

The more I watch Trump the more I understand that he understands how to use POTUS power, which makes me believe he will not be pushed around by federal legislation or policies that are ineffective and defy common sense. 

People are coming around to Trump. No he is not perfect, who among us is. But there is no doubt where he stands on issues and his talk may be frank, maybe even brutal, but it is honest talk. No scripted speeches. He says what he believes. It is a pleasant change. And that is a major shift from the double talk we get from our current bank of politicians.

If anyone can bring the jobs back to the USA, the ones that have been categorically moved off shore under the guise of global economics, it is Trump. I believe that Trump would make decisions that are best for America regardless of which party initiates the concept. I would feel comfortable that he would never sit on the sidelines while our technology is stolen and our lifestyle is systemically eroded by ignorant politicians. We have tried everything else now let's give a genuine business man a shot at the top.

I predict he will win Iowa and he will be on his way,

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