Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How many great teachers of a subject does the Internet need?

It's happened.

Harvard and MIT have combined to form an on-line learning partnership. It is called "edX." Fasten your seat belts and watch this one grow like wildfire burning through a dry forest. There is just one more shoe to drop then education is changed forever. That shoe is the acceptability of the On-Line degree. Long poo-pooed by the establishment, edX will make the On-Line degree credible.

Never one to shy away from a forecast,  I predict that ten years from now the school system, over the raucous objections of the teachers union, will have dramatically changed. And for the better, I believe.

The education joke has always been, how many great teachers of a subject does the Internet need? One, but it is no joke anymore.

The power if the Internet has struck again. This time it is finally disrupting the sacrosanct area of education.

It is about time.

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