Tuesday, April 17, 2012

“This campaign is just getting going. It’s going to be fun." Says who?

Where is Romney going? What path is he genuinely committed to following? 

I have been wrong so much lately that you would think I would learn. But I don't. I still predict an Obama victory in November.  
My evidence is circumstantial, but it makes sense to me. For example, today Romney was reported to have said the following: “This campaign is just getting going. It’s going to be fun." 
And More. 
“Yeah there are challenges and there are days that you get beat up in the newspaper and you don’t worry about it because you don’t read them – ha ha,” Romney said at a Tax Day Tea Summit, hosted by the Independence Hall Tea Party Association.
The “ha ha” spoils it for me. The laugh punctuates an aloof  man who does worry about the newspaper comments. After all, how else do you know that you were beaten up in the newspaper if you do not read them? He reads the newspapers.  He better. 
When I search between the lines of Romney’s comments, I always discover a man who is truly having fun with running for President. I do not begrudge him the fun, but somehow his cavalier comments demean the serious of the office. His attitude and language lack the characteristic passion always present in committed leaders.

Obama persuades. He believes what he says. I am not sure that Romney does. Romney may just like to live in a nice house in Washington DC.

What do you think? Do you smell a a lack of genuine commitment by Romney? I want my POTUS candidates to have "fun" playing golf, but running for president is serious work for serious people.

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