Sunday, May 6, 2012

What is in that old kitchen drawer?

I get criticized sometime for writing on subjects that are not associated with politics or economics. However, it is raining outside and rain puts me in a contemplative mood. Plus my mouse sent me a message that it was low on batteries and might shut off at any minute. Ergo, I embarked on a search for two AA batteries. As a result, I happened to be going through one of the drawers in the kitchen that is used as a collection basin for undesirable items - items that are too unimportant to be placed in their proper places, or a result of a person in too much of a hurry to do the same. The drawer is 8” wide, 2” high and 14” deep. 
The drawer was a journey of discovery.  It was a hike through uncharted mountain valleys. It was a trip down the Nile.  It was a safari in Kenya. And what I found? I found two handkerchiefs-one used and one that was brand new, a pliers, two screwdrivers, a small box of those little tools that you use to assemble toys, two pair of scissors, an assortment of AAA and A batteries, several batteries of a size I did not recognize, a collection of needles and thread, two small tape measures, a small vial of touch-up paint for something, a monkey wrench, several sharpie black marking pens, numerous small scraps of paper and discarded plastic from ancient packaging, a 2' roll of heavy twine, two small roles of dental floss, several old letters that I opened, read and trashed, three partially used rolls of masking tape, a role of duct tape and a role of large tape to seal cardboard boxes, a coiled spring, several handwritten notes, and a single AA battery. I placed all those items back into the drawer for safekeeping.

I put most of the stuff back into the drawer because I was too busy to put the stuff back in the proper place. I had a few unwanted items in my pocket so I put them in the drawer too. 

I am on a discovery binge now and also my mouse needs two AA batteries. I am heading for the next drawer. It occurred to me we have dozens of drawers in this house so it will be a busy day while I am waiting for the rain to stop.

Have some time today? Inspect one of your collection drawers for fun.

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