Sunday, April 1, 2012

If you do not like the education system in America, you should hold the National Education Association accountable. The NEA is a tax exempt organization and a powerful union with approximately 14,000 local associations.  Its original mission of improving education in America has been long forgotten in a bid for organizational survival and power. The proof of that is in its link to the democratic party.

If the NEA was at least non-partisan, it might be politically palpable, but the NEA is not. It is inexorably linked to the democratic party. It is a dubious singular relationship for any association with a mission of genuine education. The democratic party allegiance is probably the reason our children are democrats until they start paying taxes.

The NEA has 3.2 million members and a $300 million budget. It has several questionable objectives, two of which are: (i) Discouraging merit pay and (ii) Discouraging all forms of school competition, especially vouchers. What better way to defeat education, then to be against paying good teachers more than poor teachers and to be against competition between school systems. Competition breeds better participants in every other aspect of America from sports to technology, but that is not enough empirical evidence to persuade the NEA to adopt a similar approach. Hence the NEA is  parent to the inevitable decline of education. 

The bright light on the education horizon is that the Internet, via on-line education, may take the NEA out of the education equation. That could possibly mean that I could become the best Electrical Engineer in the world without having to take a semester of Spanish or a variety of other subjects that I do not remember anyway.

Although Federal law prohibits unions from using dues money or other assets to contribute to or otherwise assist federal candidates or political parties, in accordance with their tax-exempt status, the NEA have found a way around his law and are major supporters of the democratic party. The NEA's democratic link is not democratic.

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