Sunday, April 1, 2012

Visa down, but not out.

Visa credit cards did not work today.  VISA was down for 45 minutes. I called it in my blog several months go. I am not a great predictor and I deliberately shy away from forecasting the future because it is too hard to predict. However, anyone who has ever owned a computer or an electronic device knows that sometimes, it does not work. Electronic communications are no different.

No doubt that several hundred thousand credit card transactions were declined, maybe several million. IMO, 45 minutes is just the beginning. No harm done? No one knows yet. Visa is not talking except for bank employees who speak on the usual condition of anonymity. It will be in the news this week.

Robert J. Sherwood

1 comment:

  1. Cost us a $2K sale on our website. OUCH - for a 'mom & pop' eCommerce business... :(
