Thursday, March 29, 2012

Your Credit Score is not Yours.

I have asked the new Chief of the Consumer Protection Agency, Richard Cordray, to look into the credit score scams. You know the ones that advertise a free credit score, then after providing all your personal information you must give them your credit card to get “your score.” 
My first reaction is if it is your score, then what are they doing with it anyway--if it is truly yours.  Next, the fine print is you are now charged $19.95 per month, after your 30 day free trial, to do something. To do what? Does your credit score change monthly? To protect your identity? By the way, if stealing your identity is against the law, illegal as they say, then why do I need to pay another scam business to protect my identity. Should that not come under law enforcement anyway, which I pay for with my taxes?
Further, if you forget to uncheck all the default boxes, your will be deluged with “email offers” from other associated services. Through the magic of fine print, they have not sold your contact information, they have only lent it to other associated firms for a fee.
This is my second request to the CPA for a scam investigation. No response yet. I know Cordray is busy. I saw him on TV yesterday. He was busy telling the interviewer how busy he was preparing to testify before congress on how busy he is.

1 comment:

  1. Do you actually believe he responds to, or even reads, any of the e-mails you've sent him?
