Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A CNN commentator reported that Romney leads in every polling category except the one that counts.

On the Buffet rule, I thought the Pubs were smart and would just pass it. Sixty percent of Americans are in favor of it. It did not pass. Geithner said on face the nation, just because it did not pass, does not mean it is not the right thing to do. I have read that some Obama critics say, Obama is pushing the Buffet rule only to gain political points. If the points are available for the taking because most Americans are in favor it, then of course. They mystery to me is why the Pubs do not do the same.

The administration needs an employee policy manual that enumerates reasons for termination.

Then, there is the GSA investigation of spending abuse. I watched the house oversight committee hearing where they questioned Jeff Neely, the alleged abuser. He took the fifth amendment on every question. Frankly, I do not know who wasted more tax payer dollars the oversight committee or Neely.

Let me explain how this situation works in a corporation. The scene is Neely's supervisors office.

Supervisor. "Hey Jeff, it looks like you overspent at that Las Vegas Convention by about $200,000. Is that true?"

Neely reply. "I decline to answer based  on my 5th amendment rights."

Supervisor. " You what? Jeff, you are fired. No severance. No retirement pay. Nothing, and by the way send us a check for the $200K you wasted."

Neely reply. " I will sue."

Supervisor. "Go ahead. You will look good in an orange jump suit. Now get out of the building immediately. "

Firing cost? A few bucks. Oversight hearing cost? A few hundred thousand dollars.

Our government, in a televised display of "all we want is the truth," only displays its lack of ability to act  on the facts and move on to the important subjects. Of course, there are people who abuse the system.  No news there to anyone. Fire them and get back to work. Oh, I forgot. That is the problem. They can not easily fire them.

And in case you did not know it. Neely received a $9,000 performance bonus while this abuse investigation was in process.

Robert J. Sherwood


  1. Wooohooo! That's telling it like it is!
    Love it!
    You should be on RADIO or TV.
    STRAIGHT TALK....based on real world Experience, Leadership, Corporate & Business Success, Expert Witness background, tax code understanding, Knowledge + Wisdom, Entrepreneur of the Year Political Campaign Advisor and more.
    Somebody get this guy the national exposure he deserves. INSIGHTFUL + INCITEFUL. :-)

  2. Who is the GSA? Why did Neely receive a performance bonus while he was under investigation? Who was responsible for writing that check?
