Monday, April 16, 2012

Job demand outstrips supply.

I wrote a book on job hunting.

A reader called me and asked me to give a webinar on the book. I did.  The webinar was attended by 12 people in 6 different states from California to Georgia. My fee was $300 for a one hour webinar. It was not a freebie. It was attended by serious people who were genuinely busy helping other people find a job. It was sad.

I learned from this webinar the enormous difficulty facing the unemployed in today's business climate. As my mother used to say, "It ain't easy McGee."

 I decided to test the system with my own advice. In the past 60 days, I have applied for more than 30 different jobs from Carolina to Oregon to Dubai to North Africa. It has taken me more than 100 hours.

Guess what? For each job that I applied, there were 30-80 applications. Each interviewer that I talked too, said the same thing, " We have been deluged with applications."

My conclusion is that the unemployment percentage is far greater than the fed statistics indicate. Either that or I may have to write a job hunting book addendum.

My advice now to people is stop looking for a job and create your own. Then at least if you get laid off, you are the first to know.

Oh and by the way, no, I have not received a single offer yet. Stay tuned.

Robert J. Sherwood

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the real world. This is how the world works now. You can't just go out and get a job making a livable salary. What's worse is that you spend money on a four year university degree only to have it be made worthless by the fact that EVERYONE else has a degree, but you HAVE TO get that degree just so that you can have the chance to throw your name in the job lottery.
