Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Romney's body language shouts, I am rich and you are not.

Romney looks too rich. His body language is too perfect. His language is too impersonal. He is too deliberate. He appeals to the brain not the heart. And books about the heart outsell books about the brain 1000 to 1. Just ask Danielle Steele. As a sidebar, she has sold more than 800 million books about the heart. 

Most people love to read about relationships of the heart. That is my point. The heart trumps the brain. Obama grabs the hearts of the many,while Romney grabs the brains of a few.

Even with a sport coat and denims, he does not seem to relate to most Americans. And why should he?  He makes more money in a single day than most Americans make in a year.  And he does not even have a real job.

A CNN poll shows the president holding a 20-point lead over Romney among those earning less than $50,000 per year. Guess what? Approximately, 50% of American households earn less than $50,000 per year.   It is doubtful that Romney earning $20 million per year, which is $54,000 per day,  can relate. 

Romney's recurring theme is he knows out to create jobs. And Obama does not.  Most Americans have a job so the audience for Romney's theme, albeit genuinely important, is small. Further, there are serious doubts by many Americans that either party has a formula for a better economy. Me too on that issue.

A sharp change in the economy is like trying to make a sharp turn with an aircraft carrier. You might be able to do it, but you better be strapped into your bunk.

Read more if you dare


  1. I like this impartial commentary on the elections. Thanks Bob!

  2. "It is doubtful that Romney earning $20 million per year, which is $54,000 per day, can relate." Great stat. I had to do the math myself to see if that was true.
