Thursday, March 8, 2012

Send your robot to class.

Urgent. Urgent.

By now you may have read excerpts from  the presentation by Eric Schmidt, chairman of Google, at the Mobile World Congress 2012. The conference was held in Barcelona, Spain in February. I have been unable to locate a word for word document so I may have to try Yahoo! search. You need to Google the presentation and read the excerpts.

Schmidt has a view from the top of the technology pyramid that can not be denied. From education to consumer products, he predicts radical change- including for example, a robot that goes to class for you and videos the professor's lecture, driverless cars and a consumer connected world.

This link should get you started.

If you are a recent college graduate wondering what industries to pursue, a start-up company wondering what products to develop, an angel investor wondering where to invest your money or just a curious person wondering about the future, Schmidt's presentation has something to offer.

I would be curious to hear his views on the impact of this technology on our government.

Here is my forecast. Apple will introduce a pay by iPhone methodology that will eliminate banks. Your check will be deposited into your iPhone account, where you will buy stuff, invest money, get loans and pay for things. Apple will replace the FDIC as a worldwide guarantor of deposits.

It may happen sooner than you think.

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