Thursday, March 8, 2012

Good looks and good money always win.

As the suns sets over the GOP POTUS nomination race, my mind reviews my positions over the last six months. I was for Huntsman. He had the best resume and experience with China. He dropped out.

I was for Herman Cain. I liked his executive style and his candidness when asked questions. I donated to the Cain fund. Cain was pushed out by good research with bad personal results by his competition.

I was firmly behind Gingrich. Gingrich had the aggressive debating style and subject matter knowledge  that made me believe he could beat Obama in the oratory wars. Santorum had none of these items so I never supported him. He now seems destined for second place.

It seems that Romney is destined to win the GOP nomination, which proves to me that a handsome face and a handful of money are effective tools in politics. Romney says, he knows how to create jobs. He says, jobs are what America needs. Unfortunately, he does not say how he intends to do it and he most likely never will. Why should he? Most Americans favor promises over actions, status quo over change, process over results and hope over reality. Without Gingrich in the oratory wars, the Obama v. Romney debates will be oratory without substance, smiles without honesty and form without content.

I intend to watch with the audio turned off. It will be just as informative.

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