Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hire your Director of Google Search.

Technology is wonderful.

My Apple keyboard accidentally crashed to the floor yesterday and the space bar came off. It was not broken, just unattached. We replaced it, but this morning it was not still working properly. I imagined a trip to the Apple store or a computer repair place and a charge of $50 to put it on right. It looked simple enough, but there was a trick to it.

A simple search on Google and I saw two videos explaining how to do it. Bingo, it was fixed. No charge.

This is more common today then I imagined. Computer search experienced people head to Google to search for an answer on how to do something. I am beginning to genuinely appreciate the need for a Masters Degree Program in Google.

I wonder how many businesses are gearing up for hiring their Director of Google Search. We already have another new title, Social Media Manager. It was not even a job 5 years ago.

I watched Double Jeopardy last night. I was impressed with the memories of the contestants. They knew most of the answers. And it is a meaningless skill in the next decade where knowing the question will trump memorizing the answer in the world of search. It is time students are allowed to take their SAT exams with a personal computer with Internet access  because that is how they will really do work.

What do you think?

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