Saturday, November 26, 2016

By 2020, the New York Times and the Washington Post will be memories.

According to Siri, the Washington post has a circulation of 475,000 and The New York Times has a circulation of 1,900,000.  Trump has more than 25,000,000 followers on Twitter. 

Trump has found a way to circumvent the traditional delivery of information - "news" - to Americans. Further, my sources reveal that circulation is decreasing for the Times and the Post, not so for Trump's twitter account.

Few people under 30 even read those papers. News publishing has become horizontalized with numerous reporters and numerous readers, rather than the out-dated publishing pyramid  that used to be prevalent with the Times and the Post at the top and American readers at the bottom.

MSNBC commentators suggest that now that Trump is president, it is less than presidential to communicate via twitter. They hope that social media will go away. Facebook has more than a billion readers. It ain't going away. MSNBC suggests that Trump let the old outlets such as the Washington Post and the New York Times deliver the "good news." But they are deliverers of the gospel no more. 

Trump will use social media to deliver news more than any other president has used this communication vehicle. Of course, they did not have available. He recognizes the cultural change in information delivery just like Kennedy recognized the power of TV.  Trump capitalized on social media while the democrats focused on  TV ads. 

Trump may keep Twitter financially healthy by himself. And his Facebook page will be read daily by millions more people than will ever read the Times or the Post. 

-Times are a changing.

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