Friday, October 12, 2012

Obama feints to the right, but the action is to the left.

What was the Obama kiss to the big banks that Romney referred to in the first debate? Do you recall it?  I do. Obama would like to forget it. Why? Because with barely a nod of the head and a sleight of the hand, Obama glossed over this kiss reference with the cleverness of a polished magician. Obama works just like a magician. He feints to the right when the real action is to the left. I hope Romney brings the bankers kiss up again because it is what genuinely distinguishes Obama from Romney. 
When Obama dictated certain banks as "Too Big to Fail," Obama cast aside the 200 year old  spirit of American Capitalism — which is, as Milton Friedman insisted is a profit and loss system- Obama cast this capitalism concept aside in favor of socialized losses. It works like this. If the TBTF banks make money, the investors rejoice. If they lose money the investors still rejoice because the American taxpayers will cover the losses. A feint to the right with the legislation, but the real action is to the left. 
This TBTF action is not a good thing. It is indisputably contrary to every business principle that American business executives understand. How can capitalism work if failure and losses are removed from the equation? The TBTF financial institutions are now simply extensions of the federal government except they are handsomely paid to gamble with depositor funds, sharing the profits among themselves and sending the losses to be shared by American taxpayers. Whoa nelly folks, that is Obama's government concept. Once understood, Obama's TBTF concept is outrageous. 
And by far the biggest damage, that concepts like these cause, is reflected in the eyes of our younger generation. They see these events transpiring before their eyes, drowning their desire for the American dream in a sea of apathy. Why? Because the desire to strive is inversely proportional to the belief that the game is rigged. Obama is rigging the game. The best team can only get a tie because the worst team gets what ever points it needs.
If football games were discovered to be rigged, Americans would throw NFL team owners in burning oil. We have an opportunity to do something like that on November 6. 
Get out and vote.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent point, needs to be brought out in the next debate
