Friday, October 12, 2012

Can a mouse trump a nuclear warhead?

What is new in the military? The USCC.

We have the US Army, US Airforce, the US Navy and now we have the US Cyber Command. Uncle Sam needs you, nerdy programmer, video expert, computer hacker and bits and bytes experts.

Important people in the government believe that Iranian cyberattackers were responsible for a virus that devastated Persian gulf oil and gas companies. The attackers used a virus known as Shamoon to spread through networked computers, destroying files and replacing them with an image of a burning American flag rendering more than 30,000 computers useless. A recent attack at Qatar was similar in nature.

The US is investing billions to develop cyber rules of engagement and to develop an ability to counter cyber threats. Many of these cyber security programs need Congressional approval, but without such approval, I understand that Obama intends to use his executive powers to put the programs in place. It is a national security issue. I am not sure what this actually means, but it could mean more monitoring of computer information and the Internet both at a national private and personal level. As I have said before, the Internet will eventually become a highly regulated medium. On the other hand, it could also mean that computer experts could serve in the USCC as a normal part of government service, then go to work for Apple, Bidu or Samsung.

Computer hacking is a deadly action. It ranks with nuclear war because our utilities, energy systems, financial systems and even our food delivering systems now depend on electronic communications. Think not? Then imagine what you would do without electronic communications for 30 days. No phone. No banking. No payment method for gas. No proof you have money in the bank. No ability to pay for food. Hospitals would be paralyzed. Stores could not process checks. And so on. Many commentators believe the chaos would cause serious loss of life and a massive breakdown in law and order that would make the 1992 Los Angeles riots look like a playground disagreement.

Americans are paranoid about an Iran with nuclear capability. It is possible our paranoia is in the wrong place. It takes billions and billions of dollars to develop a nuclear bomb program, while one smart hacker can bring down an electronic communication system with a virus delivered by a single mouse.

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