Thursday, January 7, 2016

Why is plain talk preferred to the murky language of political correctness?

I would vote for Trump for president today. I like Cruz, but in his recent interviews, I notice more and more that Cruz is focused on ensuring his responses are politically correct rather than purposeful plain talk. Trump is  a master of plain talk. If he thinks it is stupid, he says, "I think it is stupid." Perhaps Trump, the business person, is not as elegant with the English language as Cruz, the lawyer, but Trump does not leave me guessing what he meant. When he says that the Obama executive order on gun control is all photo op and not meaningful, I understand. 

For example, I read an excellent fact check by the Associated Press  this morning on the executive order. The AP agrees with Trump. The executive order does nothing to achieve the goals that Obama claims the order does. I was always taught that a goal has two elements: It is measurable and it has a completion time. Obama's goals never have either of these. His executive order on gun control is a perfect example of a marvelous photo op as well as a platform to persuade the uninitiated that any action is progress. 

Even Wolf Spitzer was briefed incorrectly. In a TV interview, Spizer challenged Trump that the current laws do not require background checks for gun shows or Internet sales. This is wrong. Current laws require licensed dealers to do background checks regardless how or where the gun is sold including the Internet, a gun show or in a parking lot. 

I prefer the plain talk of Trump to Cruz. Once murky political correctness creeps into the conversation, it is almost impossible to understand what a politician really believes.

Trump leaves no doubt. Harry S. Truman, a tailor from Missouri, was a plain talker too.

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