Friday, January 15, 2016

Liar liar pants on fire republican debate theme.

I turned off the republican debate.  At any moment, I expected to hear one of the candidates say, "Liar, liar, pants on fire" or "My dad can beat up your dad." It was a grade school debate on national TV.  A Seinfeld re-run was more interesting

The RNC chairman is smart and stupid. He was smart to set the rules of engagement to focus on Clinton and Obama. The Pubs started on this rule with passion, then the candidates changed targets to each other. The RNC chairman was stupid not to remind the candidates to not do the democrat's work for them. Hillary must have been taking notes and laughing up a storm. If the debate would have been a few hours longer, the candidates would have done her work for her and destroyed each other. Each candidate had an occasional moment of grandeur followed by numerous moments in which they crashed and burned. I was embarrassed to be a republican.

I kept hoping that one of the candidates would have shouted,"I will not disparage the other republican candidates. I will answer questions about my own experience record and my own presidency plans. I will not be baited by a 'he said- he said' - question." 

It was a shame to be an American and worse to be a registered republican.

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