Thursday, November 6, 2014

Give Apple $50 billion to build the iPhone in the USA and ship it back to China.

I had several calls yesterday after the GOP romped to victory in the recent elections. Everyone was ecstatic. One friend wrote that "There is still hope for the country." Another friend wrote me that Americans have spoken, "Obama's plans do not work."

For me, the sun came up this morning the same way. My bank account had the same amount of money or slightly more as I do get 0.58% interest on my money market account. Nothing changed. There was a moment or two of serendipity as it occurred to me that my opinion of Obama's actions were somehow verified by the GOP victory.

The GOP leaders have been on the TV smiling and preaching that things will now be different. The economy, somehow associated with the voting process, will now accelerate, there will be meat on every table, housing prices will increase again, loans will be easier and everyone who wants a job will have one.

Here is Hillary's talking point in two years. "The republicans have been in control for two years. Are things better? No. They are worse. Come on Dem's let's take control back so we can do important stuff." And the republicans counter, "The Dem's fought us every step of the way.  They are barriers to change." And so on.

For give me, if my cynicism has risen to the surface of my skin. It did not happen overnight. It has taken numerous elections to penetrate my otherwise positive attitude.

The problem is there are no genuine leadership platforms.  For example, let's recapture our lead in electronics would be a genuine platform.  In manufacturing. In innovation. Let's stop the flow of the cash to other  countries by enabling their firms to go public on our stock exchanges. We have proven we can invest billions to save our financial institutions, with little public disclosures, but our government leaders are reluctant to invest other billions to save the things that got us here in the first place. Here is a wild idea. Give Apple $50 billion to build the iPhone in the USA. We gave AIG $185 billion for less.

In other words, we need a leader who wishes to go to the moon again. I am an Apple device lover. Yet it is a black illustrious example of the current situation when the best selling product, the iPhone, in the USA is made in China and the largest retailer, Wal-Mart is China's biggest importer.

My advice is learn Chinese.

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