Monday, June 25, 2012

Who is your go-to person?

Do you call your Go-To Guy in the morning? I do. This morning I awoke with a mobile application problem on my mind. I called my Go-To Guy in Omaha and asked him the question. It had to do with the ability of a mobile application to locate where you are and then provide you with information without you even asking for it. In other words, it senses what you need, where you are, and comes back with a list of options. It seemed too good to be true.
So I called my Go-To Guy and gave him the situation, and he gave me a great answer. His answer is not as important as the concept of the Go-To Guy. Now I’m trying to apply that technique into Obama versus Mitt Romney. If I had to pick a presidential candidate for a Go-To Guy, who would it be? Would I rather call Mitt and ask him a tough economic, political question or would I rather call Obama? Who would be my Go-To Guy for political, governmental issues? 
By the way of background, I have approximately a dozen Go-To Guys and two Go-To Women. For the most part each of these Go-To People are smarter in subject matter areas than I am. That’s why they’re my Go-To People. Further, I can call my Go-To people, ask a quick question and get a quick answer, not a cavalier or short sighted answer, but an opinion that has the combined experience of my Go-To Person’s career and their honesty about their opinion. If they don’t know, they say so. If they can find out, they say they will. If they know the answer, they tell me. 
Now back to the Obama/Romney Go-To selection process. That’s where I’m stumped. I simply don’t know which one has subject matter expertise more than I and of course which one is more honest than the other. By honest I don’t mean they would deliberately lie. I mean would they tell me their genuine opinion in terms I could understand and act on. 
Based on what I know, I have to pick Romney as my Go-To Person.  He has five sons. They all seem to be well mannered, articulate, and advocates for their dad. That has to be a real testimonial. Obama hasn’t gone through this teenage to grown-up phase yet. So we’re not sure how he would handle it. But having five sons myself, I can testify that it is a growing experience for the father. So Romney is my Go-To Guy for POTUS. Obama would still be my Go-To Guy for spinning a phrase, oratorical excellence, and presentation skills. 

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