Sunday, June 24, 2012

Join me in a return junk mail to sender program.

The United States Post Office is the world's most prolific  deliverer of spam mail. The USPO is guilty of enabling a most egregious act. I get several letters a day addressed to "recipient" or "current resident." Don't you?

Meanwhile, the USPO shouts, they are losing money and asks for a taxpayer bail out.

No surprise. They give huge postage discounts to the print mail spammers of the world who send mail to "current resident," or even worse "recipient." It should be outlawed. It should be a rule. If you do not know my name, do not send me any mail. The USPO should enforce this rule, but on the contrary they are the proximate cause. The are deliberate enablers of the spam print mail firms.

It is also a violation of a green world policy. I get several letters a day that go directly into the trash and eventually make it into a trash dump. Who pays for the associated disposal costs? We do.   I estimate there are 20,000 tons of spam print mail sent to the trash each day. It costs approximately $80 to haul and dispose of a ton of trash. As a result, the cost to the taxpayer is $600 million per year. Closer to a $1.5 billion if you count the spammed magazines and other materials.

No More.

I am fighting back. I have bought myself a red stamp that says" Not at this address, please return to sender."

Join me in returning all this spam print mail.

Pass this message on and lets take this notion national.

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