Friday, June 8, 2012

Small Minds. Small Thoughts.

Have you met any small minded people? They are back stabbers, gossip gabbers, blowhard blabbers, grubby grabbers, creepy crabbers and make-me madders.

Of course you have. Who hasn't? How small are they? They are so small that they can get under my skin. They are nano-people that stab you in the back while they are smiling to your face. Their bodies are built without an American backbone so they can bend around sharp corners and penetrate cracks and crevices without fanfare and with no disclosure.  They do their work in the dark.

One of these tiny minded people crossed my path yesterday. What happened? I was locked out of the "Business Incubation Professionals" discussion group on LinkedIn. Have you ever seen the stuff that is discussed in these group?  The opinions fly high and low, far left and far right, credible and incredible. How can I be locked out? How can you lock out anyone, even partially rational, from an open discussion? But I was, with no explanation.

Details? I was a LinkedIn member of a discussion group of 1451 members and was locked out by the group's manager. No reason why. Not an email of explanation. Just a lock out. I was an active participator in the group, maybe too active. I received many emails from other members, and many compliments on my discussion contributions. At least  that is how I see the situation. What is the point of this full disclosure confession? Good question.

This person, small minded if you will, has gotten under my skin. Unfortunately, the LinkedIn management will not reveal to me the name of the group manager. In other words, I do not even know their name.

WebTalk Followers. Check out this group for me and see if you can discover the name of the manager of the LinkedIn group-called Business Incubation Professionals. I need to send my bee video drone to spy on the person.

Help me to remove this stigma under my skin.

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