Saturday, June 9, 2012

Krugman - Economic Science Fiction Writer

What is Paul Krugman up to? He is a 2008 Nobel prize winner in economic sciences and writer of more than 200 scholarly articles, so says his Wiki. He did write a book called, The Conscience of a Liberal. I have not read it yet; but I do not believe that his personal views, no matter how transformational, are an excuse to toss logic to a whirling wind like so much drifting dust in a Texas tornado. And this is exactly what he did in a recent editorial that was published on Saturday, June 9, 2012 in the Kansas City Star.

In this editorial, Krugman accused the democrats of reducing taxes and reducing spending, albeit invading the exclusive territory of the republicans. Further, these evil economic republican measures, implemented by Obama's democratic administration, have not worked. He suggested that Obama should instruct his campaign managers to assert the democrats, out of the goodness of their bi-partisan hearts,  have reluctantly tried the old republican ways and, lo and behold, they have not worked. And further, republicans have obstructed any new genuine democratic economic changes that Obama has offered. Let me try and sum up Krugman's  elevator pitch.

For the last 4 years, the democratic administration led by Obama has created an economy based on republican notions. The republican based economy has failed. This piece of circuitous Krugman logic has more twists, switchbacks they are appropriately labeled, than the Colorado highway to Pikes Peak. However, Krugman, with no apologies, suggests that his postulations are all true except for the automotive industry; which Obama single handedly saved, while simultaneously slicing a huge piece of Chrysler off for union relatives, with FIAT, in Italy. As I recall, this event likely occurred a year before Obama killed Osama Bin Laden.

According to Krugman's Wiki, he became interested in economics after reading the novels of Isaac Asimov, a marvelous science fiction writer, who was unrestrained by reality. That explains everything to me.

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