Friday, May 18, 2012

Tornado hits Obama's labor department.

From my iPhone.

The spin that Obama's labor department puts on the unemployment rate has higher wind speeds than an Oklahoma tornado. It is not enough they do not count people who have stopped looking for work. It is not enough that last week they started reporting the number of jobs created relative to the people looking for work. That spin stopped turning quickly.

This week's spin. The labor department began reporting the number of states that have low unemployment percentages. Obama's labor department reported that South Dakota's unemployment percentage is decreasing - 25  people found jobs. Meanwhile, California's unemployment rate increased to 10.9%. Another 25,000 people are out of work. All of these unemployment spins serve to create a whirling cloud of smoke hiding the real fire burning in the empty stomachs of the unemployed.

What is the spin, you ask? The Labor department reports 50% of the states are doing fine.

Next week's likely spin is - there are plenty of jobs, it is just that the unemployed live in the wrong places.

Obama's troops are the master of the spin.

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