Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Time Control

Listen my friends and you shall hear, the tick tock of time forever dear.

To a large degree, most of us control our own time. Sure, if you have a job your boss can tell you what to do and can trump your own time control plans. However, each of us receives 24 hours a day. Yet some people seem to get so much more done than others. How do they do it? They control their time. They budget time the way Scrooge budgets money.

Little techniques can help.

For example, rather than be interrupted by every phone call you receive, send your calls to voice mail, then take 30 minutes at the end of each day to respond to your voice mails. The same goes for email. Stop checking it every 5 minutes. Check it at 8, 12 and 4. Take 15 minute to respond when you check it. If you can respond do it, do not say to yourself I will respond later. Discipline counts. Use your calendar. Put on your calendar 30 minutes at the end of each day to respond to voice mails and emails.

Do not let people interrupt you when you are working. If you are at the office, use the red light - green light method. Have a series of colored signs. Green means they can interrupt you and red says leave me be.

First step in controlling your time is recognize that it is precious and can never be replaced. That is all my blogging time for today. Take control of your time. It is yours.

1 comment:

  1. I thought this was a political blog. In fact, I'm pretty sure a few blog posts back you said you would be focusing on JUST the presidential election.
