Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hey Mr. Super PAC Man, please do not insult my intelligence.

My readers have summarily chastised me for not sticking to my promise of blogging only on the POTUS race. I need forgiveness. As penance, I have stopped smoking cigars and shaved my beard.

But I am POTUS race challenged. There is simply nothing genuine happening. Obama and Romney are both raising a lot of money. Romney says he created millions of jobs while he was with Bain capital. Obama and friends launch an ad campaign asserting that many of the Bain capital deals were jobs negative.

Romney says Obama programs have failed. Obama says he has led America to 13 quarters of economic recovery. George Bush offers a tepid endorsement of Romney. Romney equivocates on endorsement value. Biden attacks Romney as a vulture capitalist circling the sky and preying on unsuspecting vulnerable companies.

The Romney Crossroads super PAC launches a $25 million ad campaign, which is said to castigate Obama on the economy. Who needs to be reminded, this early before the election, that the economy is slipping into oblivion. The Obama super PAC launches a counter attack ad campaign asserting Romney is cozy with  his Super PAC and Bain capital is a diabolical devil in disguise.

The most fascination observation to me is the continued assertions by both candidates that the Super PACs act independently of the actual POTUS candidate. This assertion, in my mind, is the penultimate insult to the intelligence of American voters. Speaking of ads, has anyone else noticed lately that most TV shows seem to have more ads than content? Do you remember when cable TV was sold to American voters based on the promise that there would be no ads? The POTUS race has some of the  same characteristics.

And so on.

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