Sunday, May 20, 2012

Romney should shout outrage from the rooftops.

Romney should shout from the rooftops that NASA now pays Russia $60 million to send a single astronaut to the International Space station. Under Obama we have outsourced another set of jobs. 

Even NASA has outsourced jobs to other countries. 

Soon we will be outsourcing federal government jobs to India. Obama will argue that he is taking these steps to make government smaller. The spin of the phrase just keeps spinning.

Do you feel the slow weathering away of a country that was a mountain and is soon to be a canyon. 

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to know how much money the government saves by paying Russia $60 million, rather than running our own program. I'm sure it literally is a ton of money. Outsourcing one, highly specialized, job doesn't seem like that big a deal. I'd be more worried about the end of your blog post where smaller government jobs are outsourced over seas.
