Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Obama Brand v the Romney Brand?

I’ve been speaking publicly for the last year about Obama’s Consumer Protection Bureau. It has been noticeably quiet in protecting consumers. But I understand it only has a $100 million budget so we shouldn’t have to many expectations to soon. I am surprised that Obama hasn’t counted the CPB as a job creation activity by his administration because he seems to have a penchant for counting every single job.
It is this Obama activity that, to me, is irksome, annoysome, burdensome, and tiresome. When the Consumer Protection Bureau was announced, it was a major public event. It was manifest destiny revisited. It was transformational. Now, nothing has happened. I do not feel any more consumer protected than I did before. Do you? It made great press for awhile, and that seems to be the Obama brand. 
The question is will Romney truly take advantage of these Obama brand snafu’s? I doubt it.  
In contrast, I believe that the Democrats will continue to push the evil Bain experience button right through the campaign. Obama may be successful in distinguishing Obama as a government expert and Romney as a business expert.  Romney may have created the basis for his own demise by distinguishing himself as the only candidate with business experience. Now that Romney has branded himself in that manner, he may very well have created a brand the people won’t buy. 

Obama, has also one advantage that a non-incumbent does not have-unfettered access to a 747 airplane, a press entourage and an unlimited travel budget.

I expect some contentious debates in a few months.

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