Sunday, April 8, 2012

Golf commentators are hypocrits. Let Tiger be.

Tiger Woods is not finished. Tiger made a bad shot, cursed a bit and kicked his golf club. So what? He was mad at himself not someone else.

The golf commentators want him suspended, fined and banished from the world of golf. It's hypocritical.  We have had presidents who have done worse than kick a golf club in the oval office and we never suspended or even fined them.

Have you watched hockey, basketball, football or soccer? And TV? Your basic TV show has more violence and swear words in the opening credits. Why is golf placed on such a sacred pedestal? It's a high stakes game, with millions of dollars at stake in a stressful situation played by finely tuned athletes.

The public encourages competition. We love it. No one should be shocked by a little temper. And by the way, he was not mad at the fans. He was not mad at the referee. He was only mad at himself. His anger was inward not at some other player.  In the NFL, they punch the other player and the crowd loves it.

I am only surprised Tiger did not break his golf club and throw it in the nearest lake. For me, I like the fire that Tiger exhibits. He plays better with a little smoke coming from his golf swing. When he tries to be someone he is not that is when his golf game deteriorates.

I love the Masters. But I get a little tired of seeing the Augusta flowers and the computer enhanced images of the course. I love the fire of the competition.

I play golf too. And I can say unequivocally, the golf clubs deserve to be kicked a little from time to time.


  1. Tiger is finished, as far as what he once was. I do not see any more majors in his life. Not withstanding his physical problems, he has lost that mental focus he could muster when he was younger. He used to be able to literally will the ball into the hole. He could get into the flow and transcend to a level few have ever attained. No more. He may be able to get it back briefly, but he cannot maintain it for 18 holes any more, let alone 72.
    And he continues to tinker with his swing. Also, there is too much going in his adult life now. He doens't have the steady, stern hand of his father guiding him.
    Personally, I don't mind flashes of emotion, I even enjoy them. But Tiger got away with more than anyone else. Let me just say, you would not want your kids following him around. He is a bad role model on the course and off.

  2. On the topic of suspended people from the oval office, Clinton and Jackson were both impeached. Nixon pretty much was too, but resigned. Regardless, I'm not sure how it can be hypocritical of the golf announcers to call for a suspension of Tiger Woods while the example you give of their hypocrisy is presidential punishment. I don't get it.

    Also, you can't compare Tiger Woods outrage on a golf course to an NFL player punching another NFL player on the field. Its an apples to oranges argument. Moreover, I tend to agree with you that I like a little fire in Tiger Woods as he is the only reason 75% of television viewers tune in. I mean if he isn't going to play golf, at the very least he can salvage the dwindling viewership by being entertaining.
