Monday, April 2, 2012

Bill Clinton explains Solyndra. The Chinese did it.

Bill Clinton is mesmerizing. He is a handsome man with an aura of confidence and world associations enabled by his presidency. When he name drops, it is persuasive. He appears to be doing worthwhile work in Harlem and for people who live in the poor countries of the world. He always presents real examples of the results of his work and that makes his presentations believable.

Last night, I watched him on TV make the case for making Indian reservations energy independent with solar technology. Clinton was the guest of Jon Stewart, the non-partisan comedian who allegedly gave $1 million to an Obama superpac. For Indian reservations, he explained that photovoltaic was the way to go with batteries to store the electricity for use when the sun does not shine. He said these systems are energy efficient and economically feasible, except for the fact that the Chinese sell the cells cheaper than we can make and sell them in America. Where have I heard that before?

Clinton continued to explain that it was the Chinese who caused Solyndra to fail. Solyndra was doing fine, asserted Clinton, until the Chinese government gave $40 billion to Chinese solar panel manufacturers undercutting Solyndra's prices around the world, which sent $500 million of American's tax payer money, which was loaned to Solyndra by the Department of Energy, down the proverbial drain. Clinton offers the Solyndra failure explanation in such a matter of fact manner, with such a disarming attitude like - everybody knows this - that listeners are eager to blame the Chinese and give a pass to Obama and the DOE. Candidly, Clinton seemed to have so many of the Solyndra facts at his fingertips and specific photovoltaic knowledge that I wondered if he was not the original broker of the whole DOE Solyndra loan. Or maybe he got this information from sleeping with the Secretary of State. Who knows?

It is China again. Politicians blamed the Japanese for many years for every problem and now the current accepted "blamee" is China. Bill Clinton is so mesmerizing, with a cigar in hand, that I almost believe him.

Robert J, Sherwood

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