Monday, March 26, 2012

The day the Internet shut down.

Head for the hills.

What happens the day the Internet shuts down?
Who will you call?
Who is the president of the Internet?
Who is in charge of customer service?
Who is empowered to fix it?
How will you buy things?

How will you get your money?

Be prepared. This scenario makes vampires look like your best friend.

All concerns about nuclear war are minuscule compared to an Internet shut down.

Yet no one really talks about it. It is probably going to happen someday. It is like the lottery. It is a long shot, but someone does win.  An Internet shut down is a long shot too, or is it?

How should I know?


1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't we just revert back to the days before the internet circa 1988?
