Friday, February 10, 2012

Send my book to Romney.

I am not enamored with the political landscape these days. There is nothing new on the horizon and everything that can be said or written has already been said or written. Unless there is a smoking gun hidden in someone's resume or the economy dives further south,  Romney will be the republican POTUS candidate and he will lose to Obama.

There will be little governmental change with Romney anyway. Romney's policies are too much like Obama's, but  Obama explains these policies with oratorical skill. Romney does not.  His delivery, although better of late, is still drab with visibly forced emotion. Frankly, Romney appears to me to lack a commitment "to wanting to be president." He impresses me with more an attitude of, "Hey, I made $300 million in business what else can I do? My dad tried it in 1968 so me too. It's a family thing." By the way, Romney's dad lost the republican nomination to Nixon. In case you did not know, Mitt Romney's dad was president of American Motors, which built cars no one has even heard of today. The company was sold to Chrysler in 1987, which was sold to Italy a few years ago.

Mitt Romney promises to end Obama care and lower income taxes. Most people that I ask do not even know what Obama care is except in very general terms. As for taxes, I understand that most people pay some taxes, such as payroll or sales tax, but approximately 50% of Americans pay no income tax. Income tax is a non-starter for the masses.

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