Saturday, February 11, 2012

Employee Policies

I am releasing this week another guide in the Basic Guide series. If you do not have an employee manual, it is a great guide, so they tell me, to get started. Here is what my editor wrote after reviewing the guide.
You have a choice: a productive work environment, or one full of miscommunication and distracting personnel issues. 

A clear, concise employee manual stops many problems before they even start. Maybe you're a business owner faced with managing a new team of employees. Or perhaps you've been in business for a while, and your policies were informally enforced with your staff. While casualness may have worked when you only had one or two people to deal with, now it seems that you spend more time untangling human resource problems than actually getting the work of your company accomplished.
Regardless of size, a business needs a document to lay out expectations, rules and guidance for employees. Even a small business should establish standards such as dress code, performance appraisals and operating procedures for customer relations. 
This Basic Guide To Employee Policies is designed to give you a template for customizing your own manual, specific to your business. 
It will be available at, and the iBookstore in the next few days. It looks good on your iPad.

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