Friday, February 17, 2012

Do the NYT editors use Apple products?

Employee policies are different than the policies of sub-contractors, particularly in China.

Apple is struggling with its own success. As I suggested a few blogs ago, Apple will be targeted. It has happened.

The New York Times published an article exposing Apple's labor practices in China. First, it's China's labor practices not Apples. Second, the NYT treads carefully, however, at criticizing China because China lends money to the Feds. Also, The Business Insider, a digital publication that I routinely read, suggested that Apple was retaliating against the NYT by not giving the NYT editors access to Apple executives for company reviews. Why should they?

The inference was that Apple was acting unfairly. Hogwash. I say. I wonder how many employees of the NYT have Apple products. A lot I imagine. Or were they compelled to return them by a new NYT employee policy after the NYT expose. The NYT should look at its own employee policies before it attacks another. Something about stones and glass houses, I believe.

Americans must hate success. There is an attitude that the more successful you are the more you must send East.

If the NYT required all its employees to return their Apple products, then I would grant a modicrum of credibility to their moral high ground. Further, the NYT should do an expose on the Federal Government for accepting loans from China, a country with such labor policies. Then, there is GM which builds cars in China, Then, there is Wal-Mart. Does it ever end?

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