Friday, February 17, 2012

Contraceptive Intervention

Employee policies should not intervene in an employee's personal life.

I am getting a headache watching the debate over Obama's edict on contraceptive devices. And contrary to Rick Santorum's chief donor, an aspirin will not make me feel better.

As I understand it, Obama is requiring Catholic institutions to provide insurance coverage for contraception to their employees. Catholic institutions object because the Catholic church is against contraception. In light of this objection, Obama modified his position to require the insurance companies, who provide insurance to a Catholic institution, to provide contraception free of charge to employees of a Catholic institution circumventing the obligation of a Catholic institution to provide insurance coverage directly to its employees.  A conundrum on the free market.

I call this position by Obama  - Contraceptive Intervention. It puts a thin shroud around an act that should be handled naturally by free markets. And it all starts with a false premise. The premise that government should mandate insurance coverage is an intervention in natural processes to start with. Obama would be better off by abstaining. At this point, Obama should hold back any further accommodations and start again.

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