On the record, the dilemma is that Mr. Trump appeals to what most of us feel, but are reluctant to express. I agree with what he says even though he may express it in an awkward fashion. He lacks political correctness and that is his most appealing characteristic to me. He speaks from the heart and not from a list of talking points carefully scripted by "political experts" to pander to the most people.
The TV debate hosted by TV talk show stars was about TV ratings, advertising dollars, and live entertainment rather than about critical national issues. It appeared to me that the hosts were competing to see who could ask the least relevant, but most compound structured question with the cleverest language.
The questions to Trump as well as others, at the TV debate, were a bit silly and in my opinion were designed to foster argument and dissension among the GOP contenders, much to the pleasure of Hillary. I am sure she most certainly watched, with liberal media glee, the candidates shoot each other in the foot in response to the loaded questions.
I get it - the press offers the explanation that nothing is off limits to a presidential contender-- so I hope someone asks Hillary - How she could forgive her hubby for having "sex" with an intern in the oval office, or have we forgotten. There are many ways to ask the question, but I bet she never gets asked about those moral issues and what it will be like to give her hubby access again to the oval office, even as a spouse. Hillary, how will you handle your spouse's indiscretions?
totally with out regard to being ''politically correct'' or what ever it means,,.. to watch every word that someone might take offence.. I was just thinking the other day about Bill's little fling (s) ..since all the lesbians are all for Hillary...perhaps she was relieved that he had/has other girl friends,,,because maybe she did ,too.
ReplyDeleteWhenever I hear a speech , I think please.... tell me what you really think...what ever happened to freedom of speech?? why can't we have our own opinion anymore, even if others don't agree...I always thought the whole point of conversation was to hear every ones opinion and the reasons behind them ,,,it is our differences that make life interesting....I like Trump, because he's real...and doesn't expect everyone will like everything he says..but seems ready to hear what might be good for the majority,,isn't that what America is all about????