Sunday, April 26, 2015

Riding the Bull is a Texas size story.

Six months ago, I spoke with a friend in Texas about writing a book- an auto-bio on his life. It was only an idea last November. I spent the last few days in Texas reviewing the final 400 page manuscript with the publishing team. We have a target release date on Amazon in July. The book is now a reality.

Here are a few sentences form the introduction. The photo is Mickey with his Zimmer, a Texas Taxi.

This is the story of Mickey Murry, a man who rose from humble beginnings with no formal education, to achieve great success. The Murry story is an inspiration to every entrepreneur, athlete, business executive and person who searches for the American Dream. As this story illustrates, the search often trumps the find. This story is also a poignant love story about two ordinary Texans who lived an extraordinary American dream together, who lost each other and then found each other again 27 years later.

 Married with two children at age 18, selling insurance, sewing machines and encyclopedias door-to-door, his prospects were dismal. However, these experiences fueled Mickey’s passion for financial success and taught him an important skill, which would later prove invaluable in all his ventures. At age 20, Mickey took a job with a construction company at $1.25 per hour. After hard work and persistence, almost serendipitously, a friend agreed to back him in a home building company. At the age of 22, the ride began. Mickey discovered he had a natural talent for designing homes that people stood in line to buy.

From there, the roller-coaster ride accelerated. Mickey Murry became one of the most successful custom homebuilders in America. He designed and built thousands of spectacular homes in the fastest growing cities in Texas. The home he built for his family, called The Castle, became a notable land mark in Plano, Texas.

This is going to be a great one. Stay tuned for instructions on how to pre-order an autographed copy.

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