At the risk of being grossly misunderstood, I suggest we should all be aware of a reckless passion for undefined equality. Watch for the operative phrase "feel free." It is used to describe issues for men and women, as well as financial equality, employment equality and more. I, for one, simply do not grasp the mad-rush to make everything and everybody equal regardless of effort, work ethic and mental or physical capabilities. I am never going to play in the NBA. I can not manufacture more height. I am not equal in this respect to the NBA players. No passioned plea will change this fact.
In contrast, Emma Watson, the United Nations Women Goodwill Ambassador, is credited with saying that "Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong. It is time we all perceive gender on a spectrum, instead of two sets of opposing ideals." According to an article in CNN, she will be discussing this issue before a "select" audience in London, today March 8, and it will be broadcast on national TV.
Emma, perhaps you do not know what a "spectrum" is. A spectrum is a condition that is not limited to a specific set of values, but can vary infinitely within a continuum. In other words, we already have the perception of gender on a spectrum that you make your passionate plea for. And the people that I know are all in favor of strong and sensitive men and women. I know men that cry. Big girls cry too, or maybe that was before her time. Emma Watson pleads that it is a shame more men do not cry. Really Emma, where have you been?
And with respect to opposing ideals, ideals typically refer to models that are exactly right for a particular purpose. The gender model that God gave me lacks the ability to become pregnant. I watched my wife deliver one of our sons and believe me I am happy with that piece of designed inequality Also, the spurious aspect of Watson's UN plea is she has no definition for equality just like so many similar other pleas to make us all equal, while we are on earth. Genuine equality comes at the end.
Also, I did not get my invitation for her "select audience" so I am already feeling unequal. And to head off any silly rebuttals, of course, I am in favor of equal pay for equal performance.
Emma Watson is 24 and frankly she has not seen enough yet to make any real observations or contributions to a problem that may exist only in her niche world. Watson's claim to fame is staring in a fantasy film, perhaps that explains it.
Emma Watson is 24 and frankly she has not seen enough yet to make any real observations or contributions to a problem that may exist only in her niche world. Watson's claim to fame is staring in a fantasy film, perhaps that explains it.
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