Friday, December 28, 2012

Throw the politicians over the fiscal cliff.

If you are like me, there are a lot of things that I would like to throw over the fiscal cliff. The economy is not one of them, but the politicians are.

The clandestine exchanges, between President Obama, Senator Harry Reid, Congressman John Boehner, Senator Mitch McConnell and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, are reported to be constructive and candid. The truth is we do not have a clue what these people talk about. The fact that the details of these meetings are never reported are an insult to my intelligence.  I heard Harry Reid say on a CNN TV report that nothing concrete was discussed. If 5 of the most powerful people in the world have a several hour meeting about the fiscal cliff -- code for what happens to our money now and in the future --and nothing concrete was discussed, then what was the purpose of the meeting? A holiday get together? It's just plain stupid?

The various media news rooms describe the meetings in such general terms that it makes the whole process seem like a remake of that Woody Allen movie, about Bananas, republic that is. We the people are kept in the dark. The process gives the appearance that  the fiscal negotiations over "our" money is a CIA Black Ops national security mission. Information is on a need to know basis and the president, among others, believes that we the American people do not need to know.

Come on folks. I would like to know who is saying what, proposing what, standing in the way of what, or planning whatever dastardly deed with the ultimate use of our money. Wouldn't you? Put a web camera in the negotiating room. Televise the negotiations. Let us in the circle of trust on who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. Unless of course such transparency would show us there are no good guys. What could possibly be so secret that our elected representatives do not want us to know? Unless of course the whole process is such a sham that government trust would go the way of Santa Claus. After all it is our money and it is our future being traded at the fiscal cliff negotiating table. You must laugh at the idiocy of the whole process and the fact that we put up with it.

What do I suggest? Use the Internet to provide some transparency? Have each side post its latest proposal so we the people can see who is proposing what and how far apart each side is. The origin of the "we the people" phrase has not lost its meaning to me, but it has lost its meaning to our elected representatives.

I have another solution. Throw the politicians and the economy over the fiscal cliff and see which bounces back. In that case, my money is on the economy.

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