Friday, June 29, 2012

The penalty for having income.

Everything that can be said in a general way about the Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act has already been said. However, there are many things that can still be said in a specific way.

For example and more specifically, how does the ACA effect my pocketbook? You can get the answer to this question. The link below describes, after you answer a few questions about yourself, the ACAs impact on you, or me, as I took the survey this morning.

The ACA looked pretty good for me. It told me that my health insurance expense will go down by 50% in 2014. Specifically, I pay approximately $7,000 per year now and in 2014 my health insurance cost will be capped at approximately $3,500. I have a call into Blue Cross now to see if they have the same information. What do you bet they tell me I am crazy? After I analyzed the survey and its answers, it is clear that the main thing you do not want is income. You are severely penalized for having income.

I took the test for my son. The survey reported he will be eligible for medicaid in 2014 and may be eligible for coverage on any out of picket expenses. However, these are state administered programs, and it also stated that if any state does not want to comply with these requirements, then they do not have too.

Go to the link above and take the survey.

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