Thursday, April 12, 2012

Romney v Obama The Sum of all My Fears

It does not take a big brain to understand that Romney only has one possible presidential theme.

It either works or it fails.  And no amount of PAC money will make a difference.

Romney needs to ask the American people - are you better off today than you were 4 years ago? If most Americans say yes, then Romney should just save his PAC money and get back into the venture capital business.

If most Americans respond no, then he has a chance to be president. Me. I am not better off. No homeowner really is. And there are a lot of us.

I lost $50,000 in my home equity and there was nothing I could do about it. I went from making 5% on my CDs to less than 1%.  The banks borrow money from the Fed at less than 1% and loan it to consumers via credit cards at 15%.  It is not an issue of blame. It is just a fact. Romney, or most any other POTUS candidate, can not do much worse than Obama has performed for the last four years, and perhaps, given the opportunity, he can do a bit better.  And that is the point.

Romney's launches arguments against Obama on a melange of narrow issues that most people do  not understand. It is fodder for the democrats. Further, the dems take the high road better than the pubs anyway.

Romney needs to bypass the high road and go directly to the top of the mountain and shout--if you are worse off today than you were four years ago, vote for me. The simplicity of the theme is breathtaking,

And so it goes.

Dare to learn more..........

1 comment:

  1. I don't see Romney beating Obama no matter what angle he plays, but I think this is a very good one. Regardless of Romney taking a "worse off today than you were four years ago" stance, I still think Obama wins. Unless there is a scandal uncovered or catastrophic breakdown in the government, Obama is coming back for four more years.
