Friday, February 26, 2010

$14 trillion in debt, and it's scary.

It is scary. The USA is in debt up to and past its eyebrows. In fact according to the Associated Press, the USA is $14 trillion in debt- about $47,000 for every resident-including children. So Obama has appointed a bipartisan debt panel to make recommendations to Obama on how to get out of debt. Obama has given the panel until December 1, 2010 to come up with a plan to reduce the debt. Now every American family who has ever been in debt is aware there is only one way to get out of debt-you must pay the debt off. Obama knows this fact; I am sure, because he paid off his student loans.

A plan to pay the debt off must necessarily include spending less, earning more or both. If you spend less, you can use the money you are not spending to pay off the debt. If you earn more, such as get a second job as many Americans do, then you can use the extra earnings to pay off the debt. The principle of getting out of debt is simple, but the simplicity stops there. Why? Because no one really wants to get a second job and no one really wants to cut spending. Washington can not get a second job and it can not stop spending. Obama is the biggest spender so the “get out of debt panel” is a presidential conundrum. Further, the only way the Washington can earn more is raise taxes, a recommendation that Obama would like to avoid responsibility for, but for certain it will be a recommendation of the panel. This action is a neat end run for the administration, which went into debt by almost a $trillion to save the “economy.” Now we must have a panel to save the economy from the debt.

Here is a thought. I suggest that Obama call one of the get out of debt free commercial 800 phone numbers that the FCC allows on TV. They have the answer. If they are good enough for the consumer, then are they not good enough for Washington? Here is another thought. Since for the most part the members of the panel are people who got us into debt in the first place, why not put only average consumers on the panel? No congressman. No advertising companies CEOs. No budget committee chairman. No Federal Reserve board past chairman. No union presidents. We have tried these type of panels in the past. They do not work. They are lip service to the initiated. They place activity ahead of action. They place process ahead of results. Yes, we are in debt up to and past our eyebrows and the debt level is the only rational explanation for Washington’s obscured vision.

And the farmer said to the fox, what would you do to keep the foxes out of the chicken house? And the fox replied objectively…

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